Zingaspray is a convenient 500ml aerosol with all the advantages of Zinga 96% Zinc Cathodic Protection in a simple hand held can.
Best Uses
Zingaspray aersols are best used for repairing worn or damaged hot dip galvanising or spot repair on items previously coated with Zinga 96% Zinc Cathodic Protection. Zingaspray aersols offer cold galvanizing paint protection of ferrous metal structures as an alternative to hot dip galvansation or metallisation.
For Marine Structures: Remove all growth with a UHP water jet or high pressure wash down. Leave to dry. Blast clean the substrate.
For Old or Worn Galvanising or Repair of Old Zinga: Steam clean to remove contamination from porous surfaces, dry off, blast clean as normal.
For New Steel: Steam clean or high pressure wash down all surfaces. Leave to dry. Blast clean to standard Sa 2.5
New Galvanised Steel: Steam clean substrate. Sweep blast the surface at a blast pressure of 55psi using a 45o nozzle angle to avoid removing any existing zinc thickness.
For Cast Iron: Steam clean or high pressure wash down all surfaces. Leave to dry. Blast clean to standard Sa 2.5
For Aluminium Alloys: Solvent clean as per SSPC-SP1 Standard. Blast clean with aluminium oxide media grade 3. Vacuum surface before application.
One coat of Zingaspray will dry at approximately 20-25 microns. Therefore a minimum of two coats is recommended.